By Jordan Neahring
This month’s Bible devotional I’d like to share is on the verse Proverbs 10:1. It talks about what a wise and a foolish son (or daughter) is to his/her parents. It states,”…A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.” This verse talks about us, the children of our parents, and how making certain decisions can affect our parents.
“A wise son maketh a glad father.” Why is that? Well, what do your parents want to see? They want to see you succeed in life and make right choices. Only a wise son or daughter would want that for himself/herself and their parents will be glad in the end. Everyone can succeed if you ask God for the wisdom that He freely gives to everyone. Think of Solomon. He asked for wisdom and God granted him the wish.
A foolish son—what does that bring to mind? A son or daughter who makes wrong decisions, doesn’t listen to his (her) parents, and doesn’t look to God for wisdom. I’d say that’s foolish. A part of that verse says that he/she “is the heaviness of his mother.” Think about that sentence…It hurts your parents to see you make wrong decisions. I hope you would want to be wise and be the wise son (daughter) your parents want to see in you. All you have to do is ask God for wisdom, read His Word, and pray. God is the giver of all things and He will listen to your prayer.
February Bible Devotional
By Jordan Neahring
Do you ever have that feeling that you want to give up and not finish? The excuse may be that you’re too tired or too weak, but with God, there are no excuses. A verse I’d like to use for this topic is Philippians 4:13. It quotes: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
God is there to be our power source of our lives. We can use this power to do His will in life. The world can’t bring us down if God is there to help overpower the things that weigh us down in life. Our strength comes from the Lord; what is there to stop us?
Pastor Birdsong, at times, has said these words: “Finish strong.” These words are always in my head. It reminds me not to lack determination to finish. There have been times I wanted to give up, but that verse in the Bible, Philippians 4:13, reminds me that I can do all through Christ that gives me strength in every situation. My words of encouragement are: “Don’t give up, and finish strong for Christ!” God will give you the strength you need.
December Bible Devotional
With Jordan Neahring
I will talk on the common story in I Samuel 17:44-50. This common story is known as "David and Goliath." If you haven't read this story, I ask that you read it sometime.
David and Goliath... Doesn't it sound like one man against one giant? Well, in this case it is so. David stood up for Israel, because he knew God was on his side. This is faith and courage that David displayed before God, and we can also follow his example.
Faith and courage is what God wants us (Christians) to display in life. Like overcoming fear, or staying strong in the toughest times. These are my examples that faith and courage can be applied. As this world is getting worse, faith and courage can help you day by day. If you struggle with these things, ask your closest friends, your pastor, and/or your parents to help you grow stronger.
September Bible Devotional
With Jordan Neahring
The Passage of Scripture I would like to talk about is Luke 15: 1-10. This passage is very amazing and good to read on our Lord’s wise teaching. Pastor/Principal Kevin Birdsong had us memorize Luke 15: 1-10 last school year of 2010-2011. If you haven’t read this passage, then I do recommend you reading this sometime.
Jesus speaks to the Pharisees and scribes about a parable of the lost sheep and the missing coin. As we read through all the verses, we see how much Jesus cares about unsaved people and how Heaven rejoices over one person that repents and gets saved. But one thing I can express is that we must remember how much Jesus loves everyone, saved or unsaved!
So if God can care so much for sinners, can we? Well, of course! We should remember, “What would Jesus do?” If you know someone that doesn’t know God, remember to care for them and lead them to Christ.
--Jordan Neahring--