Quote of the Month

Quote of the Month:

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."
~~Dr. Seuss~~

Trivia Question

Trivia Question:

Which famous inventor was born on March 3, 1847?
Email us the answer at patriotspenobbs@gmail.com.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Today is St. Paddy’s Day! If you’re not wearing green today, you are in danger of being pinched! The original reason for celebrating St. Paddy was the Christianization of Ireland, St. Patrick’s death, and St. Patrick’s feast day. Originally, St. Patrick was not associated with the color green, but rather the color blue. Over time, green became more popular. Saint Patrick did not teach that the shamrock signified luck, but rather the Trinity, three persons in one God.

--Garrett Burr--